The 5 keys to success for a fitness studio

5 min read
Oct 20, 2022 9:40:11 AM

In recent years fitness studios have begun to proliferate and have spread to all cities. Although they originally started in large cities where large gyms did not have space in certain neighborhoods or areas, today we find fitness studios everywhere and their customers are usually very loyal because of the community feeling. 

Fitness studios or fitness boutiques have fewer customers and offer fewer services than traditional gyms, but in exchange they offer a business model based on a closer attention, with very motivating activities and facilities that sometimes look more like a nightclub than a workout place. 

The success of this type of studios in big cities used to lie in the fact that they didn't sell memberships, but vouchers, so people felt free to workout in several different places and there was a high turnover of clients. Sure, if you're in midtown Manhattan, you're not too worried about losing clients because you're going to keep getting new people all the time. But... Does the same thing happen in a small town or a village? Well, obviously not, and here you have to fight to keep your customers just that, yours.  

So let's take a look at five fundamental keys to build client loyalty in your fitness studio so that they stay with you for a long time, if not forever. 


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Discover how to succeed in your fitness studio

1. Offer a unique concept 

To attract clients to your fitness studio it is important that your workout concept has something special. If you offer classes similar to those of any traditional gym, it is difficult for them to take the step to change. Let's face it: a fitness studio is more expensive, has more limited hours and fewer activities, so you have to compete for a different and exclusive service. 

Take a look at success stories like Soul Cycle, which turned indoor cycling on its head by turning a traditional bike class into a party where the instructor looks like a rock star. Orange Theory, on the other hand, started using heart rate monitors and scoring classes based on the cardio intensity their clients reached, creating a competition where everyone tried to outdo each other class after class. 

Now think about your concept, why is it different, why would you sign up? 

éxito en estudios fitness

2. Each session is personal and unique 

One of the problems in large gyms is that the classes are quite routine. Activities are repeated week after week and the wow factor is usually pretty low. But in fitness studios there are usually surprises, classes change every two or three weeks (if not every day) and the experience is taken care of from start to finish.  

In addition, the groups are usually smaller and that allows for better individual attention. In other words, classes should be something in between a group class and a personal workout. For your clients it is essential to create a bond with the workouts and with the staff of the center. 

claves éxito fitness boutique

3.Instructors are full of energy

Let's be honest: trainers move the masses. They always have and always will. So if you have instructors who have charisma and are super motivated.... you're halfway there! Because when a client comes to the fitness studio low on energy, the trainer must bring out their best version. 

That's why it's important that the instructors are not overly technical, but also have an artistic streak that allows them to become the life of the party. If you can make each session a show... your clients will want to come back to see what happens tomorrow, and they'll be telling the world about it, saving you a lot of money in advertising. 

brad pit gym

4. Build a community

Do you know why Crossfit has become so popular all over the world? It's not because the workouts are super hard and first-timers finish classes lying on the floor. Crossfit's success is because they have a community that is, quite simply, awesome. If you've ever done Crossfit you'll know it... those beers after training, those meetings to compete, that WhatsApp group to share WODs or share 30 videos of each workout on Instagram. Why do you think people pay money to wear a t-shirt (not very nice) of their Box. 

Ok, so you have to achieve that. You have to get your customers to be more fans of your concept than you, to tell them about it, to be your best salespeople. How to achieve that? By creating a strong sense of community through activities outside the center, tagging them in publications and getting to know them very well. 

It's easy to leave a gym, but leaving the group you hang out with, have fun with and talk to every day... it's not so easy to leave. 

éxitos estudio fitness

5. A good App and a website 

All of the above is great, but let's get down to earth: it's 2022. Today we all live glued to our mobile and we need to have all the information easily accessible. That's why you have to make sure your customers can book, pay and buy additional services directly on an App, your own App. Relax, you're not going to go broke hiring a bunch of Silicon Valley developers: at Trainingym we have already designed a super top app for your fitness studio and you can customize it with your branding.  

But for all those who are not yet your clients (yes, ignorant people who are lost for life) you need a website with all the information about schedules, facilities, prices and where they can buy your classes with just one click. So you take advantage of that guilty feeling on Sunday night when we all get up saying "this week I'm getting in shape" and let them pay that voucher for classes at 12 at night without you having to do anything. Yes, yes, with Trainingym it takes you two minutes to create the website and it updates itself.  


You're freaking out about this wonder, aren't you? Well, there's much more, but we don't want to spoil it for you. We'd better tell you about it directly when you make your appointment. 



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