Top fitness trends in 2022

5 min read
Oct 19, 2022 3:53:51 PM
Top fitness trends in 2022

2022 is the year to get back to normal, but we are not getting back to normal as we were in 2020. The pandemic has affected our way of looking at life, we have learned that at home you can workout or that exercising outdoors makes us feel good. We have also realized how important our health is, starting to acquire healthy habits such as playing sports regularly or taking care of our diet. 

In fact, the number of gym memberships in Europe increased by 2% over the past year 2021. Contrary to the fear that existed when the coronavirus crisis started, gyms are currently in a good moment, as well as fitness studios or personal trainers.  

If you have a business in the fitness sector, take a look at the trends that are coming on strong in 2022 (because your competitors are already working on them). 

Tendencias fitness 2022 

The 6 fitness trends in 2022 

Meditation and mindfulness 

If we said earlier that we have started to give importance to health, we were not only referring to physical health, but also to mental health. After confinements, social distance and uncertainty, cases of anxiety, depression and other disorders have grown more and more evident in our society. Along with them, the number of people who have become interested in meditation has grown, either through in-person classes or apps that offer this type of discipline.  

In fact, there are more and more workout plans that include meditation sessions along with activities such as yoga or walking outdoors. You already know that, even to get in shape, the state of mind is essential to achieve your goals, you have to keep away cortisol and adrenaline! 

Tendencias fitness 2022 meditación 

Outdoor fitness

Perhaps due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more outdoor activities, such as bootcamps, or organized hiking groups, have become popular. According to the trend report prepared by ACSM, this trend has been on the rise since 2010, but especially after the pandemic it has experienced an exponential rise. 

Especially focused on small groups or personal workouts, many fitness professionals are offering classes in parks, on beaches or in the countryside. Clients appreciate combining sport with enjoying the outdoors, especially after so many months of confinement. 

  Tendencias fitness 2022 outdoor

Online fitness and home workouts 

This is the first year that home gyms or workouts appear as a fitness trend. Fitness centers must adapt to this new reality and not look the other way. In fact, one of the most successful proposals is a hybrid model, where clients can combine their workouts at the fitness center with others done at home. This way, they can workout more times per week while saving time.  

This trend is driven by online or virtual workouts. In 2021, online workouts took first place in fitness trends. One of the big changes in the fitness industry resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic was the temporary closure of clubs around the world, forcing innovation in the way classes were delivered. The challenges of engaging clients remotely led to the use of some systems such as fitness apps that allow you to stream live classes or view already recorded classes. Yes, if you are thinking about Trainingym you are right: find out how.  

  Tendencias fitness 2022 online

Artificial Intelligence applied to personal workouts 

Everyone would like to benefit from a personal trainer: a fitness professional who offers personal attention and a customized plan to combat flab and increase overall fitness. The barrier? Price. 

Luckily, personalization is a task at which artificial intelligence excels, which has led to the development and launch of a number of AI-powered personal trainer apps. AI has enormous potential when it comes to developing personalized workout routines, as it is able to accurately predict safe and optimal workout programs taking into account age, fitness levels and body mass.  

Some personal trainers are also opting for hybrid or remote models, where the client pays to get a personalized workout routine and follow-up, but does not physically train with the trainer. This is a very interesting option to earn extra income and make the personal trainer business more scalable. Interested? We tell you how you can do it with our software. 

  Tendencias fitness 2022 inteligencia artificial

Qualified and certified employees 

A few years ago, almost anyone could be a fitness trainer. It was not regulated, no certificates were required and, sometimes, the trainer's physique was rewarded more than his or her professional qualities. Obviously, clients today have a broader knowledge about workouts and demand fitness professionals who are prepared for their job.  

That's why true fitness professionals are investing in formal training and are interested in obtaining qualifications that make them competitive professionals, in an industry where supply is growing faster than demand. 


 Tendencias fitness 2022 formación

Holistic approach 

In line with the first item on the list, customers expect a holistic approach when they want to achieve fitness or simply better health. They are no longer looking for four-day weight training routines or cardio classes every day, but prefer a combination of several disciplines to feel good.  

Crossfit classes combined with yoga, a Sunday jog or paddle tennis with friends is a reality for many fitness users today. That's why fitness businesses and personal trainers must adapt to this workout model if they want to build customer loyalty.  

Did you know that with Trainingym you can schedule weekly routines that combine face-to-face classes, virtual classes and tailor-made workouts? Yes, all this in just a few minutes and offering easy access to your clients through our App.  

Tendencias fitness 2022 enfoque holístico

If you've realized you need this already, take a look at everything we can do for you.  

These are some of the fitness trends for 2022, but there are many more and the industry is constantly changing. Don't get left behind, because your competition is still going strong. 




Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2022, ACSM,  

Encuesta Nacional sobre Tendencias Fitness en España 2022, Valgo, 

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