The reason why you are not selling more memberships

3 min read
Oct 19, 2022 3:35:19 PM

The reason you are not selling more memberships (or anything, in general) is because you don't have a team ready to sell; trainers do NOT like to sell, they don't feel comfortable selling. Managers don't usually like selling either (nor do they have time for it).   


If you don't have qualified people with the attitude to sell, how do you expect to close sales?  


 Let's look at a typical gym situation:  

 A potential customer comes in to ask for information. Let's call him Steve.  

 There is no one at the reception desk because the trainer is attending to the people in the weights area. After a few minutes he realises that someone needs information and goes to reception. Steve is already a bit desperate (that is if he hasn't left).  

 Steve asks for prices and the trainer just gives him a piece of paper with the prices or explains them to him. He gives him another piece of paper with the timetable and tells him that if he wants to sign up, he'd better do it some other time because it's rush hour.  

 Steve was very motivated, but he left without much enthusiasm and decided to think about it, preferring to compare with other options.  

 Steve leaves the papers in his car and forgets about the gym. Another time maybe.  


 Now be honest with yourself, how many "Steves" have passed through your gym? How many have not returned? Obviously, not all potential customers are going to be motivated enough to sign up, even if they are kept waiting, given little information, or don't receive personal attention.  

 Let's take a look at what the proper sales process would look like and how you can implement it in your gym to start closing more sales.   


 Nowadays, if you have done a good job moving on social media and your website is up to date and well positioned, chances are that you will get a lot of online contacts.  

 These contacts may leave their name, email or phone number, or simply express a question about your business. It is important that you take care of all of them, as you never know which ones are eager to join your centre.  

 The main goal will be to bring these potential customers to the gym for a face-to-face appointment. Bear in mind that you are selling facilities, services and a team, what better than to show them everything you have to offer in person?  

 If your business model allows it, try to make that appointment a "free trial" followed by an interview with the sales team. It will be much easier to close the sale if the person has tried out the facilities and has been motivated training there. 

 Once they move on to the interview phase, the objective is to close the sale. To do this, the sales person must find out the potential customer's goals, objections and you should propose your gym as the best possible solution.   




 Since most of the clients you have will come to your centre because of your proximity, it is very common for your potential clients to come to your gym to ask for information and to see the facilities.   

Take advantage of the fact that you have the client at home to ask them what their goals are, what services they are interested in and when they would like to start. Show them the facilities, emphasising those areas or services they will be using. For example, if your client "Josh" is a 20-year-old interested in following his strength training routine, don't show him the Zumba or Yoga room, as you will probably waste his time.   

If you are having difficulty closing the sale at that point, try to arrange a free session with the potential client to try out the facility. This way, you will be able to bring them back and increase their level of commitment.   



 To close a sale, it is essential that the customer feels that you have listened to them and that your gym can solve their problems or desires. That's why, if you apply this formula, it's very likely that most of them won't resist you.  


We suggest these 5 key steps:  

  •  CLARIFY why they have come to your gym.  
  •  CLASSIFY the problem you are trying to solve.  
  •  REVIEW their pain and past experiences   
  •  EXPLAIN their concerns  
  •  REINFORCE their decisions  


Are you ready to start selling a lot more? 

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