How to get good references for your gym  

2 min read
Oct 19, 2022 3:29:37 PM


 If you want to try a new restaurant, you'll probably check Google or Tripadvisor first to see what they rate. If you want to book a hotel, you can check the hotel's booking page for customer reviews. Nowadays we don't like to go in blind: if others have already tried that product or service, why take the risk?  

Gym customers behave in the same way: they will also Google your gym and see how many stars it has. So it's important that your customers leave reviews, comments and ratings everywhere. Maybe you know they're very happy with your services, but if they don't tell the world, you're losing potential customers!  


So how do you ask your customers to leave a review? Here are a few ideas to make sure your rating is what your gym really deserves.  


STEP 1: Ask them to leave a review via email or message  

 The simplest option is to send an email or text message to your database asking them to leave a review and providing the link to do so.  

 Chances are that around 5-10% of your customers will take the trouble to do so, especially if they are really happy with your services.  


 STEP 2: Offer a reward for positive reviews  

 Perhaps the previous step is not enough to get the reviews you need, so you can try a more "aggressive" strategy such as offering a prize or reward to people who leave you a very positive review. But make sure it is very, very positive as you are making the investment.  

 The ideal is to give away some merchandising or a paid service that does not cost too much. For example, a free weigh-in.  


 STEP 3: Talk personally to your customer advocates  

 Have you heard of the NPS (Net Promoter Score)? If so, you will know that, through surveys, you can find out which customers are promoters of your gym. In other words, those who are not only loyal, but also speak highly of your gym and actively recommend it to their friends and contacts.  

 These customers are the ones who are most likely to give you good reviews. Using your gym management software, you can get a list of your gym promoters and ask them personally to leave you a review.  




Learn how to improve through reviews  

 Not every review will be positive and perfect, but it is a good opportunity to improve as a business. Customers who leave you critical reviews can give you clues about areas for improvement in your gym, so it's important to read them carefully.  

 Make sure you also reply to all the reviews they leave you, as this is essential to give a good image and show your current and potential customers that you care about their opinion. This will also improve your Google ranking, as you will have more valuable content.   

 If they are negative, always thank the person who has taken the time to review your gym and reply politely, avoid being on the defensive. 

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