What are the needs of gym members?

3 min read
Oct 19, 2022 3:44:32 PM

Managers and coordinators of sports centers discuss the strategies they use to ensure that customers enjoy their club.

Customer satisfaction in the club is one of the priorities for any manager. Their strategies and actions, supported in most cases by technology, are focused on extending the member's life at the center and increasing their spending at the center. However, each club does it differently. Let's see what aspects the main managers of sports centers pay most attention to:

Francisco Cortegoso | Manager Máis Que Auga

We believe that, in addition to continuing to advance in the development of new technologies that facilitate and enable greater interaction with members and improve their user experience, we will also prioritize keeping "alive" the way of working in the fitness rooms with the express dynamizations, led by the technicians of the room to increase the baggage of users, enhance socialization and increase adherence to the centers... And since the pieces of the pie are getting smaller and smaller, all efforts aimed at reducing turnover in our sector and increasing both the average life and turnover per member will be the main objective of both the Commercial and Technical Departments.

José Blanes | Director Low Fit Dos Hermanas

To ensure that members are completely satisfied, we must help them and provide them with tools that allow them to measure and evaluate their progress in a real way, achieve results and meet their objectives with reliable data that are not subject to subjective criteria. To do this, we must find a perfect synchrony between technology and personal contact, without forgetting that none of this will be possible if we do not manage to penetrate the deepest part of the person: their emotions.

Juan Gil | Development director Deporocio

After a few years in which technological progress has almost overwhelmed us, thus losing perspective on what our customers really perceive, we have come to the conclusion and we have set ourselves the goal for this year to recover and promote human relationships, TEAM-Customer, using the technology we already have and the one we are developing as a tool to facilitate such relationships.

David Utrero | Area Manager Synergym

I have always loved this profession and I firmly believe that is the big difference, to love what you do. Fitness is a business of people taking care of other people, so that's the big secret. It is none other than having the right people, being very demanding with yourself in the selection process, not letting anyone lose the enthusiasm of why you hired them. In any profession, the worst thing that can happen is that workers lose the desire to smile and have a great time at work, but in this, even more so if possible. If you take care of your selection process in detail and do not let them lose that motivation, you have 100% guaranteed success, as far as service is concerned.

 Josep Escutia | Director BeOne

For us, customer satisfaction is a core aspect of our management. And for this, it is fundamental:

- To know their opinions, needs and demands.
- Establish channels of interaction through which to convey them and meet them both proactively and reactively.
- And to satisfy them in attention to a balance between the quality of the product, the personalization of the service and the nature of the sports center.

To achieve all this, the use of new technologies through specific apps (Trainingym) with which to provide the service and build user loyalty, the constant monitoring of service evaluation and reactive feedbacks (NPS) and the configuration of new services (such as the transversal Sports Consultancy and Promotion) is essential.

Martín Fernández | 02 Centro Wellness Sevilla

The client experience is governed by different points but for me the most important are: personalized attention and making them feel special, the achievement of objectives -these can be towards health, image, competition...-, creating a feeling of tribe, making them feel comfortable and proud of their workout place and cleanliness and hygiene and maintenance. This pentagonal analysis summarizes the customer's needs.

Iván Clavel | Area manager OcioSport  La Rioja

Different studies show that satisfaction is an overall assessment of the customer. In other words, their perception does not differentiate between being satisfied with the service or the attention received, but NOT being satisfied with the price or the material available. IS SATISFIED OR NOT. On the other hand, this perception varies continuously over time and the customer evaluates his satisfaction each time he accesses the center. Therefore, in my opinion, the customer evaluates everything he perceives at each access. Moreover, a few minutes after leaving the center, they will only remember their emotions, which is why the attention received by all the employees every day is fundamental.

🚀Prepare your Sports Center to make the leap to another galaxy.


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